Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Immigrants with Public Benefits

Those who recieve public benefits such as welfare or food stamps and their immigration status is not legal, they can be denied citizenship, based on a bill proposal from the Department of Homeland Security. The results of this news has sparked a scare.
"Immigrants are already penalized for receiving cash welfare when looking to apply for U.S. citizenship. This proposed policy would expand the definition of what makes an immigrant a "public charge."


Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Immigration Policy Causing Labor Shortages

Due to the current issues and debates in regards to immigration, California is facing labor shortages in the agriculture industry. Fueled by ICE agents sweeping for illegal immigrants woth the sanctuary law, in which they can ask the legal status of an individual. Businesses in California have been unfairly targeted with audits.


Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Sanctuary City Ban SB4

The federal court appeals made a decision on the Senate Bill 4 that was approved by the Texas legislature and signed by Republican Governor Gregg Abbot in the month of May of last year.

Within this policy, it allows the police to ask the immigration status of individuals as it also requires law enforcement to cooperate with the federal authorities to detain criminal suspects for possible deportation or face jail time and be removed from office. This new ruling can be potentially dangerous as it allows the use of unlawful racial profiling and discrimination against colored minorities
