Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Quotas are now set for immigration judges to speed up the process of deporting illegals and reduce the amount of cases that are backlogged.

"Attorney General Jeff Sessions and other immigration hard-liners say that backlog allows people who should be deported quickly to stay in the United States for years while they wait for a court date" (Rose).


Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Immigrants with Public Benefits

Those who recieve public benefits such as welfare or food stamps and their immigration status is not legal, they can be denied citizenship, based on a bill proposal from the Department of Homeland Security. The results of this news has sparked a scare.
"Immigrants are already penalized for receiving cash welfare when looking to apply for U.S. citizenship. This proposed policy would expand the definition of what makes an immigrant a "public charge."


Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Immigration Policy Causing Labor Shortages

Due to the current issues and debates in regards to immigration, California is facing labor shortages in the agriculture industry. Fueled by ICE agents sweeping for illegal immigrants woth the sanctuary law, in which they can ask the legal status of an individual. Businesses in California have been unfairly targeted with audits.


Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Sanctuary City Ban SB4

The federal court appeals made a decision on the Senate Bill 4 that was approved by the Texas legislature and signed by Republican Governor Gregg Abbot in the month of May of last year.

Within this policy, it allows the police to ask the immigration status of individuals as it also requires law enforcement to cooperate with the federal authorities to detain criminal suspects for possible deportation or face jail time and be removed from office. This new ruling can be potentially dangerous as it allows the use of unlawful racial profiling and discrimination against colored minorities


Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Chain Migration

"Chain Migration" is a term used to describe the process of immigrants gaining residency through a relative who is established in the country or with a visa. This term was popularized through such claims that many are arriving in America in huge numbers and are less beneficial to society in comparison to those who come with a Professional or marriage visa.

The actual definition was that "Chain migration was used to describe immigrants from a particular town or region following a trail laid down by others from the same region. It dates back to the first great wave of immigration – Germans, Irish, Italian and Chinese migration to the United States to ethnic enclaves in places such as New York. The first wave of migrants sets up restaurants and lodging, sets up linkages to employment and otherwise helps subsequent arrivals adapt to life in their new home" (Prashad).


Wednesday, February 7, 2018

What is a Sanctuary City?

A sanctuary city is a city in which they limit their cooperation with the federal immigration agency to protect immigrants from deportation. When an undocumented immigrant comes into contact with the police, identification is needed which can get immigrants caught and reported to ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement).

Typically what happens in a sanctuary city, the police will release the undocumented immigrant when the charges are cleared, posted bail, or completed the jail time for being arrested if No Crime Was Committed. If the the city is a not sanctuary, the immigrant would be held until ICE arrives.

A misconception that most people have is that being undocumented is crime, IT IS NOT. Being undocumented is a civil violation. Due to the due process of law clause of the 14th amendment, it prohibits the government from depriving a person of their right to life, liberty, and property. This right ensures that people's rights are not violated. The police cannot detain someone for being undocumented, only ICE.


Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Behind the Sriracha Hot Sauce

Image result for sriracha david tran
David Tran is the man behind the creation of the famous Sriracha hot sauce that has now become a staple in the condiment aisle. The name “Sriracha” was named after a city along the coast of Vietnam, “Si Racha.” The place in which the recipe was originated and Tran tweaked it, creating his own version.  During the Vietnam war, Tran made his living sauces while being a Major in South Vietnamese Army. In 1978, Tran fled to asylum in US with his family, along with the 3,317 refugees who boarded a Taiwanese freighter called “Huey Fong,” which means “Gathering Prosperities.” This was the inspiration of naming Tran’s food company “Huy Fong Company,” based in California.

Image result for sriracha

Tran knew there was a demand for a hot sauce that was desired by many Southeastern Asian immigrants in LA. Using a bucket to make his product and bottled them in baby food jars and would sell them from his bike.
“Tran noted, ‘I started the business with my eyes closed. There were no expectations at all… My American dream was never to become a billionaire. We started this because we like fresh, spicy chili sauce.’ (Smallwood).

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

A Loving Father Deported On MLK Holiday

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After residing in the US for thirty years, Jorge Garcia, a married man and father of two, was deported back to Mexico last Monday. Garcia entered the States at the age of ten when his aunt brought him in without any documentation. Because of Garcia’s age, he was exempted from DACA or the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.

When Garcia and his wife attempted to get his status legal in 2005 wounded up in deportation proceedings. Garcia had no criminal records and checked in regularly ICE officials. During Obama’s presidency, a program called the Deferred Action for Parents of Americans was introduced that would allow adult undocumented immigrants who have children that US citizenship or a lawful permanent residence to stay, but was blocked by federal courts.


Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Immigration Agents Raided 7 Eleven Stores Nationwide

ICE's Acting Director Thomas D. Homan stated "Businesses that hire illegal workers are a pull factor for illegal immigration, and we are working hard to remove this magnet." The ICE will continue its efforts to protect jobs for American workers by eliminating unfair competitive advantages for companies that exploit illegal immigration."

7-Eleven is a well known convenience store chain that is famous for its Slurpee, had 98 of its stores nationwide, raided by agents from the Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Viewing audits and interviewing fellow employees and managers of the 98 stores, 21 were suspected of entering the US illegally and were arrested. Consisting of franchise owners and managers, nine were arrested for wire fraud under conspiracy with the use of stolen identities to conceal and harbor employees who entered the country illegally.